We have finally finished school and classes! I received GREAT grades and I could not be happier with them and everything that I learned. After a group of my friends from here left it is now only me and Danielle Bartels living here fearlessly until May 8th. We are currently getting ready to leave today at 6pm for Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile :) I am so excited to go and explore with her and her father from Nebraska. This weekend I went with my family to a movie and to their camp grounds :) They belong to a club that is kind of like a forest and there they camp like we do and not on the beach! It was nice to walk around there and have a barbecue and play games. The weather here is amazing right now because it is not hot at all but then it is not cold. It is my favorite type of weather where you can wear shorts and a sweatshirt! But winding down and having this be my last couple days in Lima I am very sad. I can not wait to go home and then I wish I was staying here as well. I am torn but in the end its bittersweet. Also this weekend I got to go with my family to the other zoo that they have here! It was in Huachipa Peru and it was very interesting. It was in an interesting part of Lima because the area around it was full of open side restaurants that had women singing and dancing for entertainment. They were dressed in fluffy skirts with a lot of sparkly decorations! The animals that they have at the zoo are really cool and a ton of them I had never seen before. It is very interesting because they have deer in their zoo as an exhibit. It is weird because we are used to seeing deer everyday and for them it is something interesting and weird to look at. Also they have peacocks in a cage as well while we just have them running and walking around our zoo. Also at the zoo I had my new favorite ice-cream that I am going to miss dearly when I leave Peru. It is called PRINCESA and it tastes like peanut butter which I have missed dearly from being here! But I think this will be my last post until I get back from Chile :) Thanks everyone for reading and I will see you all soon in NEBRASKA!!! :) Chau Chau.

We are coming to an end :( We are in our last week of school right now and taking finals right now. This was the last weekend we had with everyone in Peru. On Friday we had our goodbye party with our Colegio that we were going to and helping them with English. We went for lunch there because they made a little party for us. They had stands up everyone in a big room and they had prepared every type of Peruvian food that was popular along with drinks and pictures. They also had some of them dressed in typical Peruvian costumes and dance costumes. It was a very good time and the food was very good. I tried everything as usual and at the end we all received thank you cards with a necklace of Mary. Later that night was my FIEsta with my family!! We were throwing a goodbye party for some of my friends here before they left back to the U.S. I had my friends over and then my brother had his friends over as well. I prepared some dips for the potatoes that we had and we also had little turkey sandwiches that we made! I set up on our deck and we had loud music, dancing, and lots to eat and drink. Our party ended at 4:00a.m. and my father here was a champ and stayed the whole time. (He slept in a chair for a little but was still present ha). The next day my whole family woke up very late and we were all zombies. Thalia had to go to a mall for a project that was all anime things like Dragon ball Z and Pokemon and all that. It was a mall only for those things and every level had action figures and collectable items and costumes, etc. There were people walking around that were dressed as the characters because they believed that they were those people. It was
interesting to say the least and I went for support and it really was one of the weirdest places I have ever been in my life. After I had to get ready for the goodbye party of Lukes! His family was throwing a party now to say their goodbyes. We went over and they made us drinks and appetizers and we sat and played games for most of the evening. After me and Danielle decided that it would be a good idea if we went and got Sandwiches, more of my idea but that happened :). Sunday was a great day. I finally got to experience a Peru soccer game!! My brother Jaime asked if I wanted to go with some of their friends so of course YES and then I had Luke, Danielle and Haley come with! We left at 4:30 and arrived at the stadium. We had to walk a little before we got close to the stadium and there they had tons of vendors of THE U team with jerseys, hats, the cloth that they waive around, and more! There were also lots of motor taxis running around everywhere. It was surrounded by a crazy looking gate that looked like it was in a jail, and huge tall gates. When we walked up to get closer to the stadium we had to wait to get our "under the table seats". We payed 7$ for our tickets which was awesome and finally entered. There were men all around just going to the bathroom outside the stadium on fences and just out in the open (very disgusting) because you have to pay to go to the bathroom in the stadium we later found out. We had to pass a line of security/police officers that were waiting, some waiting with police dogs. Guys went to guys and girls went to girls. There was a pile in the middle with pens, bottles, clips, and the biggest item, BELTS. No one was allowed to wear belts and all the men that did not hide it in their pants before, took it off and fastened it to the gate or hid it in the ground to get after the game (not a high possibility you would get it back). Luke was wearing one and he had to leave his belt there, sadly to say he did not get it back when we came out because it had been stolen :( After we got past the security we walked in and the stadium you could already hear the chants. It was ridiculous. It was not all the way filled because of who they were playing but it was loud. They had two sections where they cheered, jumped up and down, and chanted the whole 2- 45minute periods. We saw a little fight in the crowd only to find out that it was because if you stop jumping and cheering people will start hitting you with their shirts and cheering things until you get up and start again. They had police officers with big shields lined up all around the stadium because the crowd sometimes gets to rowdy (this I thought was scary). The game was fun to watch and here everyone get so upset and mad at the other team. They had to carry someone off in a stretcher at one point and also they had a little ceremony where these people threw someones ashes in the air.

(Not quite sure if we caught that right, but pretty sure). They play soccer pretty violently and ruthlessly and for that it was even more exciting to watch! People carry around huge bags of popcorn and sandwiches as well just like at a baseball game. A lot of people bought things next to us, due to the amount of how much they were smoking (the type of smoking caused this ;) ....on that note everything is just legal here I have came to think). They feel like soccer as we feel about football. They are fanatics. I loved it and it was an amazing experience and I am so happy that I got the chance to go. This week are my last 4 days at the University. It is very sad to think about but at the same time I am excited to be done with school. On wednesday we are going to go to a Chifa for a goodbye lunch with our class. Thursday another goodbye party but from our school after our last final. And then a week from today, I will be in B.A and Chile :) Cant wait!! ADIOS. CHAU CHAU.
These last few days in Lima have been stressful and as always packed with fun. This last weekend we went out to celebrate with some of our new friends for their birthdays and it was a very fun time. We danced all night and took great pictures! On sunday I went to church with my mom and dad and then later that night went out to a movie with my family. We went to G.I Joe 2 and it was a very good movie! After we came home and had lunch and it was Papa Johns, very refreshing to taste Nebraska sometimes. This week has been extremely difficult due to my computer crashing, having all of my assignments for finals. FAIL. Yesterday I had the longest day because we got up and went to our Colegio Pio X11 to help and talk to the high-school students (which all look like they are five but in reality are 17 and 18) and help them with their english! It went from 10 until around 1:00. We helped them create a Peru and Nebraska commercial and it was all in English which was also fun. After we took a snack that they gave us and we had empanadas and Inca Cola. From there we got taken back to the school and had to go to a final in 30 min. that was at 1:45. Took the final and I did not get out of it until 3:45. We had a 3 hour conversation class at 4:00 until 7:00 so I went to that class following the final. My brain was gone and when I got home I finally got to eat lunch at 7:15. Days are always packed here with things to do and homework that needs to be done or volunteering that we have. We have so much going on the time went too fast for me! While I am still awaiting my computer to arrive let me explain that process. I had no idea how much I would appreciate the states and their ways of doing things because I love Peru, I do, but sometimes there ways of doing things takes to long...Went to their apple store that was at a mall. Arrived and they were supposed to open at 11:00 but they did not get open until 11:45 because they were painting inside. Once they opened and we went inside I asked for someone who knew English and no one did but they understood me enough to take me to the back. Waited in a line for around 30 minutes because the men that were supposed to be helping us were messing around in the storage room. While waiting we were all getting high from the paint fumes and sweating because their air conditioning was not working. Finally when I got up to the counter all I wanted was to be angry and talk in English and at that point I am glad I couldn't. I simply explained very calmly what was wrong and eventually we figured it out. For all of this I dragged my poor friend Danielle with me and she waited with me and helped me. Love her for that. And as we sum up these last few weeks I have started getting very sad. It is sad to think that I may never see these people, families, and friends ever again. I want to make a point to keep in touch with everyone because to me they are my second family. And I have grown to love these places :) GOING TO MISS IT !!

The week and weekend of Semana Santa! Since I have been I have actually been celebrating a lot of holidays. It is always very different and interesting to me to see how other people celebrate holidays! In Lima I have seen how different Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day, Lent, my birthday!!, and now Easter! Here in Lima we had Thursday off of school because Thursday is the starting of their holy week (Semana Santa). For that reason my family and I went camping for the whole weekend. We packed up, left early thursday afternoon and went to relax! It took us 3 hours to get there when it usually only take us 1 hour because of all of the people leaving to go places! The beach was packed with tents and campers everywhere and when we arrived there was a schedule of many different events that we could attend during the day and night if we wanted! On Thursday there was bull
----------Above are all of the tents that were starting to show up! and below is me trying to balance on the rope !! After there is a picture of a typical Peruvian Dance!! All of the music that was playing was live too!
---------Later all of the dancer and horse dancers came out right before the bull competition began. The horses did not walk normally but instead they pranced around and were dancing the whole time! I thought they were injured at first for how they were moving... :X
competitions. I for one LOVE watching bull riding on T.V. ill admit it so I was very excited! They had stands set up in the sand and places to stand around the arena also! They first had music with singers, typical peruvian dances with two people and then with horses! It was very pretty and I am glad that I got to see it! After started the "games". There were teams of around 13 people and what they had to do was this: 1st they had to have one "captain" who would stand on a chair while the group huddled behind them in a close circle with the girls in the middle. The bull was then let out and they got more points if they stayed in the middle while the bull charged them for 10 LONG seconds it seemed like! After they had to run out of the middle and behind this wood safety boards. They had people with the red sheets to help out if needed. After they had to have two people stand together and go towards the bull and have it run in between them while they kept their hands together. After they got done with that they had to have a couple people with long wood sticks go and poll-volte or at-least try over the bulls. After that was done they had to use the red sheets and have the bull go under them a certain way. Lastly at the end they personally as a whole team had to put the bull back into its cart. It was INSANE to watch and they were very brave to do that because many times the teams would mess up and the bull would just attack. It was scary but so entertaining at the same time!! On friday they had a Santa Maria walk down the beach at night. A lot of people carried hand made lanterns of different things with streamers and lots of decorations. Inside of there items was a candle that they walked to a bonfire to have a celebration! On Saturday they had games, blow up water games, carnival games and more around the pool that we went too. I tried to walk on a rope and so did my family, we all failed. My parents played games to win food items and then there was another Torro Match! We went and watched again, and this time the players got injured a little bit. They were more scared so I think that is why they messed up more. After the match me and my sister went and laid on the beach to look at the stars. In Lima you cant ever see them at night so my sister told me at the beach is usually the only place you can really see them. Later that night I played ajedrez con mi. papa (chess) and then we were off to sleep. It was a long relaxing weekend and I was happy to have spent it at a beach. For Easter we came back home and went to have lunch with my grandma and cousin. We ate at my favorite place called Oceanica. Its a sushi buffet and naturally I stuffed myself with it. Going to go there before i leave back to the states. :) After lunch all of us kids bought the movie Argo and went to watch it upstairs. It was a good movie and a good way to end my Easter. Feliz Pascua !! :)

I know I just wrote a book for my last blog but its not my fault! We have been going on so many adventures lately and I have to explain them all :) Our last class trip in South America was CUZCO. We finally got the chance to go, and save the best for last I guess. The first thing I will say to sum it all up instead of writing a huge paragraph about it is : NOTE TO SELF...AND TO ANY OTHER SANE PERSON.....do not, ever, take Peruvian Airlines. If you need a list to as of why not: They have broken pilot windows, they loose stairs, you take uncomfortable combis around, they are always an 1 or more behind schedule, you do not get to have a perfect flight, and nothing will ever go right :) Anyway, after a little confusion at the airport, weird, we got to CUZCO! It was by far one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been too. It reminded me a lot of Arequipa flying in because you could see the mountain tops peaking out of the clouds and then when we went under the clouds it was miles and miles of green and yellow mountains. Our tour guide was there to pick us up and we were brought to the hotel. You could tell how high we were in altitude because we all felt how hard it was to breath and how quickly we lost our breath. Once we arrived at our hotel we were sat down and given COCA tea--it did wonders. It helped a lot with the

wonders. It helped a lot with the altitude and with the fact that our room was on the 4th floor (no elevators). Once we got situated we had time to take a nap since we had been up since 3-am, and after we went down to have our first tour. Before our tour we were advised to eat very light and so we had chicken noodle soup, HOMEMADE, and it was delicious. Then for the tour we had with us our tour guide named Marco. He was the best and very funny. He took us to many famous Chapels around Cuzco, Sexy Woman, and many more! We had the coolest little headsets so that we could hear him and take our time taking pictures and looking at all of the interesting sites. I learned so much history about the places we visited, see a lot of llamas, got to walk through small pitch black caves, climb a lot of rocks and see amazing places. After our last tour we got little cups of Coca tea mixed with another ingredient to help us with the altitude. When we returned to our hotel it was dinner time! We went to a famous Jacks Cafe that is known by all American toursits I guess, and we found out why. The food was to die for, so good that I got the same thing twice because we ended up going Firday as well. I ordered Tostada Francesa :) -french toast. With it came a little cup of syrup, and sliced bananas and strawberries. When we finished we stopped at a little store to buy snacks and water for our big adventure to MACHU PICCU :) Ofcourse we ended up getting a little lost and it took us around 30min to walk home, which was alright. We went to bed and were up and ready again the next day at 7am. It was a very long journey to get to the 7th wonder of the world and now that I look at it, it really is in a hidden place. We took one bus, to go to another bus. When we got to our second bus it was around 1-45min ride. Then after that bus we got transferred to another form of transportation which was our beautiful train. The train ride was around 2 hours and it had snacks and beautiful scenery to look at. When we were closer it was starting to look like we were going into the jungle! Later we found out that at Machu Piccu it was the begining of the selva. Finally after our train ride was our last form of transport, another bus, and it winded us all the way to the top until we arrived. When we arrived we started climbing our way to the top. When we got our first view point of M.P. it was everything I had expected and more. I couldn't grasp my mind around how old this place was and how incredible it was that it was never found in time to be destroyed. Our tour guide gave us loads of interesting information about M.P. when we started walking around the grounds. Mostly about how the Spaniards didn't find this place and how lucky it was because it was not destroyed, how extremely smart the Incas were with how they built this structure, their sun temple, rocks shaped like their symbolic animals (my fav. the condor drinking area) and much more! We all took loads of pictures and me especially=see face-book. I was so happy to say that I have now seen a 7 wonder and it was all worth the time of getting there in the end. When we were done touring the grounds and hearing all of the fun facts about M.P. we had to hurry and take lunch at buffet restaurant. They had great desserts I recall because I decided to eat mounds of brownies and cheesecake instead of all the other foods. All in all it was a great trip and when we finished eating we took our bus to train to bus to bus journey back to our hotel in Cusco. Since we did not really get a chance to shop when we arrived back at the hotel at 9:00 pm some of us ventured out to go and shop for a couple of things before we called it a night. Sleeping and waking up the next morning for our Saturday adventure was a little rough. We did it though and had breakfast and took off for the Sacred Valley. We stopped at the Sacred Valley and had a chance to take pictures of the valley and then on to our next spot. We stopped at a sort of animal refuge and also got to look at many things made from 100% real Alpaca fur! It was amazing because here we also got to see Storks, have HUGE condors fly over us, see Pumas, and many other interesting animals. My favorite part here was when we got to have the condors fly over us and then take pictures with them. We had to stand a certain feet away from them para take a picture with them which kind of freaked me out after seeing their beaks and their claws. I did it though! After that we went to have lunch before going to our last site. We had a buffet at this beautiful place that I swear was just placed on top of a garden. It was next to the Amazon river and had a flute band playing outside for entertainment, a little shop to look at, and llamas and more in the yard. It was my favorite restaurant in Cuzco I think only because it was so pretty. We ate a lot of really good food and I tried a lot of different things. I had sushi, carrots and beats put together (very weird), different meats, salads, eggs, and much more! For desserts I once again tried them all! There was really good chocolate cake and a good lemon pie also! When we finished we went to look at the shops and Sam went to go and get chased by a llama. :). After we got back on the bus and headed to our final site! Before walking up to the site we got to see a jewelry making store and to shop around a little before.

When we arrived to the site it looked like it had MILLIONS of steps, which I knew we would probably hike up so I was mentally preparing. We got out and she had us sit down while she explained the area and the history of it. She showed us how their were faces in the mountains across from the site and a kings face as well that you could still make out. We climbed the steps and had to take many rest breaks because of the altitude. At one point our guide had us hum into a a carved out opening in the rocks and when we did it was a loud vibration that we heard! Really cool! It was also neat when we finally reached the top of the mountain! After the top we had some free time to do walk around other paths and to shop around. We were all tired and on the bus ride home with all of our suvenirs and the bumpy rodes we took it was impossible to nap! It started rainging on the way home which was a nice noise to listen to in the end! Later that night a couple us went back to eat at JACKS and then went out to get a feel for Cuzco. The next day we proceeded to shop and I bought a lot of things in Cuzco....oops! It was a lovely trip though and I was so happy that I got to finally go there and see Machu Picchu :) It was by far one of my favorite trips so far!! Write more later Chao Chao!

We finally made it to the jungle. I was extremely nervous to get off of the plane because the whole time on it I was thinking about how I did not have the yellow fever shot! Eventually I got over that because we were at THE JUNGLE. WHen we arrived we could feel how hot and muggy it was from all of the rain. We got escorted to our bus and met our fearless leader--ASHUCO. He spoke to us in spanglish for awhile and then just how ever he felt like it which was nice! We had to go on the Amazon River in order to get to our lodge. On the way we saw so many markets of people chopping off fish heads and cleaning/skinning them with their hands. The smell was just awful but we passed the area and walked to the river. When we passed on a man made bridge ( literally pieces of wood pilled on the water for walk way) I saw my first glimpse of the jungle. It was on a mans back and was the smallest, furriest orange monkey I have ever seen. I was in love. When we got to our boat, it was made out of dried out palm leaves and with our suitcases pilled in and our flashlights boughten we headed down the amazon. It was such a huge area and the water was a bright brown. On our way to the lodge we saw little bird houses inside of a wall along the river. Traveled some more down the river and then took a little stop at a place in the jungle. We saw evil alligators, adorable parrots/other tropical birds, fish as big as me with bright neon orange scales, bats, huge lily-pads, and much more! We got to hold some birds and watch a parrot fly down and drink a cup of sprit. It was so funny and he just tipped it back into his mouth. We then got to feed some piranhas. They were very vicious and very ugly things. After this stop we went back on the boat and traveled to our lodge. THe lodge was hidden within the jungle, and we took a turn on the boat and entered a path between the trees. When we arrived we were shown around the area.

It had a huge dining/meeting room, a hammock room (which grew to be our best friend), and then our 4 bedroom with bunk-beds! All which had lovely mosquito netting. After we all got situated we had lunch. The one thing I don't think I could ever get used to is the food of the jungle. I think I survived on bananas and coffee. We had catfish with the skin and head just hanging out still, rice, palm leaves ( white with a taste of lime) and bananas. After lunch I felt a little sick and we had some time before we went on our walk through the jungle. We all got lathered up with bug spray and sunscreen. I wore long socks, leggings, and a long sleeve shirt. It was very hot outside but it was EXTREMELY worth it. We started our walk and went through amazing trails with vines hanging everywhere, HUGE leaves and trees, huge beetles, exotic frogs, and even a tarantula. To get to the spider they make big holes in the ground. Ashuco went with his machete and chopped away at lots of things to show us including the home of this spider. When he got it out, it climbed all over him and on his head. I hate spiders but I let it crawl on me. When it did it had pokey feet and it tickled a bit. After, we crossed some puddles of water and saw more cool things and kept dodging the muddy ground. When we returned we spent some more time in the hammock and later we had dinner. Again it was rice, bananas, chicken, and some vegetables. I was not feeling well from the last meal so I filled myself up with coffee and snacks that I brought from home. Our night walk was an adventure and was extremely terrifying as well.

We saw jumping banana spiders that were the size of dinner plates, snakes that were hanging in the trees, little rat looking animals, more ugly spiders, huge moths the size of my hands, big ants, and again a lot of interesting plants. Once we found the snake we headed back because we had an early morning. We woke up at 7-am and took breakfast. BREAD!!! Stuffed myself with that and jam in hope of not being terribly hungry for lunch. It was raining and our guide wanted to see if it would stop so after breakfast we all took nice siestas in the hammock room for an hour and a half. The rain was still going when we got ready to leave but it was not as strong. We were on our way to monkey island! My favorite place of the whole trip. When we were on our way we saw a huge iguana hanging on the tree; it blended in really well. Once we pulled up to monkey island we heard monkey noises and all got really excited. They were coming from the yard but we could not figure out from where because we didn't see any monkeys yet? Finally there on a tree was a tropical green bird that was pretending to be a monkey. It was very entertaining. When we went into the hut monkeys started running out from the jungle into the yard and into the little hut. Some of them were walking upright and it was kind of intimidating. They jumped on you and played with your hair, bracelets, water-bottles, hats, literally everything. They especially liked hair we found out when they jumped on our heads and tried to wrap themselves in our long hair. It was hilarious! There was many tropical birds all around and even a toucan! He was hopping around on the porch and we got to feed the birds and monkeys bananas. The same bird that was acting like a monkey at the beginning also talked. It kept saying, "hola hola hola". I was in love with it. Here our tour guide also spotted a sloth on the tree and another man pulled him down for us. He was like a statue, a warm/long clawed, smiley faced statue. He was so adorable and we all got to take pictures of him. After we saw the sloth we got to see a big anaconda that they let slither around on the ground. I put it around my neck and took pictures with it. It was so cool and weird to touch. The head was in one of my hands and his tail in the other. After the snake there was a baby crocodile. We held him and he had really creepy eyes. The monkeys didn't like him and the guide kept sticking his tail to the monkeys hands and they would run away. After monkey island we traveled back to the lodge and changed into our swimsuits. Some of us wanted to swim in the river and we got the chance to that afternoon! We were scared and eventually just jumped right in. It was not very cold and after we got over the fact that we were swimming in the amazon with pirañas, dolphins, snakes, and other unknown creatures, it was really fun. We got to see pink dolphins that were swimming around us and jumping around. They were plump and short little things. Once we got back in the boat we went looking and seeing more grey and pink dolphins, turkey vultures, and white big cranes. We headed back to shower and change and have dinner. We couldn't go on our night walk because of all the rain and it was too muddy so we hung out the rest of the night. We started early again the next morning to go piraña fishing! It was a really cool place where we decided to go and it was in-between trees and bushes and it was a little nerve-racking because we took a different boat. This boat was literally 2 inches from the water and having the boat fill and sink. When we started seeing snakes in all of the trees and around us I was a little freaked out. While we were going to our spot to fish we saw a huge anaconda slithering on top of the water in front of us, it was terrifying and really cool all at the same time! We saw another big iguana and another yellow and black snakes in the trees above us. Our fishing was hard because the piranas tore off the raw chicken so fast that we barely got a chance to pull them in! It was fun anyway to feel how strong and crazy they were and Haley did end up catching a small catfish! After we headed home for lunch. We ate quick so that some of us that were heading home could go and see the amazon tribe! We walked through the jungle for about 15 minutes to this tribe. It was crazy to see that people still live in there! We got greeted and sat down right when we arrived. They didn't speak a language that I could even relate it to but to me it sounded like a gibberish. They used a plant to paint lines on our faces like they do and them explained their way of life. They didn't wear much clothes and they had many little children. We actually got to shoot their blow guns that they use to kill their food. We got to shoot it at 2 coins that were placed farther away. I was the only one to hit the target! It was exciting and we got to wear their tribal hat while doing it. After we danced and they pulled us all out eventually to dance with them. In the end we bought some of their handmade items and little trinkets. On our way down we had to hurry to the boat and get ready for what ended up being a 3 hour boat ride to the floating markets. We slept and played cards until we arrived. The markets were all literally just floating on top of the water and it was very weird to see them and to see animals just hanging out on them. When we got to the shore we got out and our taxis were waiting for us. We were ready to get out of the jungle. Once we arrived at the airport our plane was taking forever! Finally an hour later we got to board. After 3o minutes of waiting in the plane we heard an announcement that we had to get off and have another plane take us. When we were leaving the plane we saw that a whole window from the front pilots window was broken and completely off...No wonder we couldn't fly?? We got back in the airport only to find out that our flight had been canceled. Tired, hungry, sweaty, full of bug-spray, we were all not very happy. Sitting in the airport trying to figure out when we could go home was another story. At 11:30-ish we got a new plane, BUT it wasn't going to fly out until 2:00 the next day. QUE LASTIMA...They gave us a hotel with breakfast in the morning and sent us on our way. Our little taxi buggy was a blur for me and to top it off when we arrived, Luke's backpack was stolen. WE COULD NOT WIN. Our hotel had air-conditioning which was the only great thing because in our room we had no towels to shower with, and our shower head drained like a sink faucet. Also our luggage reeked from the jungle which did not help...yikes. Finally it was to the point were we were starving and so we decided to venture out in this unknown area at 12:00am to find something to eat. I lost my appetite and when we finally found a place we went in and 3 of us just ordered a plate of french fries to cure ourselves. We finally got to bed at 3:00am and left the next morning to get to the airport on time. We finally made it home that next day and it was just a terrible struggle. BESIDES that whole extra day of messiness, the jungle was by far my favorite trip so far. Enjoyed a lot of interesting things and got the chance to experience some of the most amazing things. I can say i went to the amazon Y LO AMO!! :)
CAUTION: LONG POST-----Well well well, it has been an EXTREMELY long weekend/week that is for sure. But it was extremely long with all of the traveling and fun that I did! Starting on Friday my family and me decided to go camping on the beach again :). We had a lot of fun with swimming in the ocean, going out, and wake-boarding! Sadly we couldn't stay till sunday because I was leaving for my trip to ICA on sunday! When sunday came our tour bus ( was a two story bus) was leaving at 7:30 am. and so my dad dropped me off at the station a little before! Once we got on the bus I was very impressed with how nice it was! We had nice big comfy/reclining chairs, pillows and blankets, air conditioning, free breakfasts and dinners, and a TV that played movies for us the whole way! I can honestly say I was very content :) The bus took around 3-4 hours until we finally arrived at our hotel resort! It was called Las Dunas ! We went and got our keys and Whitney, Allie, and me all shared a really nice room! After we all got settled in we went out to Central Ica and took lunch out there! After lunch we went back to the hotel and Marta found us a guide that said she would take us to the area where the dunes were so that we could go "sand"boarding... :) After sand boarding she said she would take us to a pisco/vinery! We decided to go and change and get ready for our adventure! We got in her bus and she took us to where we needed to go. Once we arrived we payed 50S for all of the equipment, a ride out on the cart, and an hour sand boarding! I was terrified to go into this big go-cart looking contraption. But once I did, it was so much fun. It felt like we were going on a roller coaster up and down the sand mountains really fast. We had interesting seat-belts so that we would not fly out and if they were not there, it was definitely a possibility. These carts were flying everywhere around the sand and it was a very beautiful site to see all of the mountains of sand around us. Once we arrived at our stop where we would start to sand board, we were all covered in sand and eating a little bit of it as well. The guides kindly took a bunch of pictures for us on top of the mountain before we were given our boards. My board was red, it had 4 velcro straps on it and that was all that we needed :) I was one of the last ones to go down the hill, and I was terrified that my board was just going to PLUNGE into the sand at the bottom because of how steep this hill was. The stance was to have both of your elbows inside the board while holding onto the straps. After I did that you had to spread your legs and keep them off of the sand so that you were not constantly "braking". I flew down the hill and made it all the way to the bottom with no sand in my face or anything! It was amazing and very fun. Then we climbed the next hill and proceeded to go down another hill that was smaller then the first. I decided that I wanted to stand up and "snow board" down this one.

To my amazement I did not fall once!!--until the end. I made it all the way down the hill some how and had a blast! Finally we all went down one last hill, this one was my least favorite because I sat on my board for this one. You had to sit with your feet on the board, hands extended out and close to the ground to brake. I did not seem to catch this memo of "braking" because I kept my hands out to the sides of me no where near the ground. I suffered at the end and went over what felt like a HUGE ramp, and landed pretty hard. I survived and was not hurt but had a little pain from the landing. Once we all finished going down the hills we were covered in sand and we all looked really dirty! We got back into our buggy and had a fun ride back over lots of cliffs and hills. When we returned our guide from the hotel took us to this amazing vineyard. We got a tour of the area and an explanation of how everything was made and picked. After the tour we all got to try little shots of wine, pisco, and creams. At the end some of purchased some wines and creams to bring back to the states for our friends and families to try! Despues the vineyard we went back to the hotel y all went straight to change into our swimsuits. We immediately jumped into the pool to rinse off our sand! We ended up playing a very heated game of pool basketball and after decided we needed some rest because the next day (Monday) was our trip to Las Islas. We had to be up and ready by 6 because our transportation was leaving at 6:30. We all got up early and went to eat breakfast which consisted of FRESH fruits, FRESH fruit drinks, breads, cheeses, hams, eggs, and jellies! It was a filling breakfast and we needed it for the energy. The guide took us to Las Islas (islands) around 50 minutes away from our hotel. Once we arrived we were given some time to shop around and look at the little souvenir shops. Paracas was the little name on all of the souvenirs and such and here I bought a hat finally! We also went and looked around the sand at puppies and a man that was friending lots of pelicans. They were following him around and he was feeding them fish. They were so adorable and some people went to take pictures next to them. Finally it was our turn to get onto the big speed boat. When we did we all had to wear bright orange lifejackets and then we started on our way. We drove, they said, for 2 hours out to the islands where all of the seals were, and stopped a few places along the way for cool pictures and stories about the area. It was chilly on the boat ride but we managed to make it through, and eventually did not notice because of the wind and sun. When we arrived to the islands, it was a jaw-dropping site...There were big rocks coming out of the water, with arches and holes and different levels, it was amazing!! We went around the islands and saw TONS of seals and baby seal pups, crabs, birds everywhere, and jellyfish!
They were the biggest jellyfish I have ever seen in my life, and they were a kind of orange color with LONG long tentacles. When I said birds were everywhere, it is not an exaggeration. They were constantly flying and there had to be millions and millions just sitting on all of the rocks and flying around. The sky was full of them and yes, people did get bird poop on them :X !! I was lucky and did not but others, not so lucky. On the way back we got to see one of the NAZCA LINES!! It was so neat because I never thought I would ever get the chance to see them! The others you have to take a plane ride to go and see but we were lucky enough to see this one from the boat!! :) After we got back we returned to our hotel and decided to go out to eat at an Italian Restaurant. We ate and shopped a little around the area and then returned to spend the rest of the night around the hotel. At one point, I wish I could remember what day and when, we went to a chocolate factory :) It was very cool and I of course bought some chocolates for myself! When Tuesday rolled around we all got lunch and lounged around by the pool until it was time to return home on our CRUZ DE SUR bus. It was an exceptional trip and I had loads of fun. :) Can not wait to see what the AMAZON has to offer this friday--TOMORROW :) Nos Vemos!