La Iglesia de San Fransico, Matucana, LOVE PERU
This experience will never be long enough...

This weekend was filled with lots of exciting trips and amazing sites! On friday we went to La Iglesia de San Fransico in central Lima. We arrived on the metro busses and it was an experience ill say. They cram as many people into those things that the doors could be hitting you and trying to clamp you in because you have that much room. Personal space, what is that here? It is very interesting how people do not care how close they are to your face and in your "personal bubble". It doesn't bother me but for people that are not use to being that close to someone it would be eye opening! From the bus we walked awhile till we got to the church! It was a beautiful area with a lot of old architecture buildings. We payed 7 soles to have a tour and our tour guide spoke in english and spanish. We were not allowed to take pictures inside but I managed to take one of the outdoor area and the basement of the church where the catacombs were with all of the bones and bodies! Very scary but a very cool thing to experience. The library was my favorite part of the whole church. It reminded me of churches in England that I got to see and it had 2 winding staircases with chandeliers and a lot of old books inside that dated back years and years. I wish I could have gotten a picture but I think Sam snuck one so check on Facebook ! After the amazing tour we went and looked at the little vendors outside the church and then walked to get some lunch! We went to a food court and got some refreshing food (meaning american food ;) ) Subway! After we headed back home and everyone was extremely tired from the walking and we called it a night. The next day woke up and left for Matucana on our own bus at 7am! It was around an hour and a half drive to our destination! Once we arrived it looked just like a hidden paradise. I felt like we were in the middle of nowhere and it was so beautiful because we were deep in the middle of the Andes Mountains! The scenery was unforgettable and we started our hike with our tour guide Coco (I think was his name) and our two dog companions that decided to make the walk with us! It was a workout right from the start and we traveled up the mountain on rocky paths that were kind of hard to get up. We went through un bosque de piedras and that was interesting because we decided to take the hardest way possible to get up it. People were jumping from rock to rock dodging cactuses as best they could lol ! We came to a creek and Luke filled his water-bottle with the water because our tour guide explained to us how it is clean and that everything here was natural ! I tried it and it was a nice taste of water with mud particles, very interesting but I guess you have to try everything once! We continued our way till we had to cross a bridge and over to the waterfall we were! We took off our shoes, walked through the water and Sam actually got in the waterfall! It was an amazing experience and to continue it on our way back we decided to cross a log bridge and it was very scary. I moved over it like a snail because I could barely get my feet to move on each log because I was nervous of falling! We all made it though and then went into town to have lunch before driving home. I ordered trucha con papas fritas y arroz! It was amazing and the ride home felt amazing because after 14 miles it was nice to sit down. That night we had a little get together at Sam's house and had some fun with friends and DJ Agua. Homework time is upon me now though but learning is half the fun! We are planning our trip to the Amazon and other places and I hope we get it figured out soon! :) Write again soon!
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